September Minutes9/26/2021
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:45 PM, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, September 26, 2021. ROLL CALL: Members present: 8 (Quorum = 7) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Kathie Femrite, Dan Femrite, Sandy Shew and Roberta Elders. Guest:: NONE Visitation:: NONE Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Mindy Ferris. Mindy Ferris is a member of Warner Grange and helps run the Scout Troop. The Troop will be renting the Maplewood Grange on Monday evenings (starting October after Zumba) while Warner Grange is involved with holiday plans for three months. Dan finds Mindy to be responsible and forthright in keeping the Troop in order. Dan suggests Mindy be accepted as a member of Maplewood Grange. Betty motioned to accept Mindy Ferris as a member of Maplewood Grange, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries - voting sign of the order (VSO). MINUTES (Secretary): The August 22, 2021 Minutes were previously emailed September 19th. Dan confirmed members had read the minutes and asked were there any questions/corrections to minutes. Hearing none, Dan asked for a motion to accept the minutes. JoAnn Keeley motioned to approve the August Minutes, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries (VSO). COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) – Correspondence dated 9/15/21 was from Susan Noah, OSG Master:
SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps) – Dan asked if reports to Pomona and State Grange were current. Betty will submit, at the October meeting, the OSG 3rd Quarter Report (and current Membership List for edit) - both are due before 10/31/21. Both OSG and Pomona will be mailing the annual 2022 Roster for update soon. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report, for date ended September 26, 2021, reflected an ending balance of $14,569.84. Hearing no questions, the report will be ‘filed for Audit’. COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Hall occupancy limit signs have been received and posted: Upstairs limit is 160 people, Downstairs occupancy is 80. Also noted downstairs EXIT sign (ramp-side of kitchen) is hanging - needs repair. OCT 2nd party rental is booked, OCT 9th party rental cancelled (deposit was retained though can be reapplied if rescheduled). Additionally the Quilters will be using the basement twice a month this fall (9am - 4pm) each Thursday & Friday: OCT 28+29, NOV 18+19, DEC 16+17. Are square dance lessons going to continue? Fall work progress reports and Septic budget update.due to State. Septic status:
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Dance hall floor re-oiled for 2021 -- Complete. Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project -- In progress. Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer project Rear yard - In progress, moles need to be trapped - anyone have mulch? Front doors are coming apart at the bottom - need to be glued and painted. Entrance porch needs refinished Northeast side roofing screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley) – Harvest still happening, mostly hazelnuts in progress now Caution needed when encountering dust from orchards (harvest will be running 24/7 until crops get done - drivers often are short of sleep). Farm economy is probably in better shape than the news suggests. Betty Chipps reported on emails received: 1.) Per OSG Government Affairs 9/21/21 email: National Grange attorneys win Trademark Infringement lawsuit against “Hemp Grange,” company in Grants Pass, use of ‘Grange’ Trademark and Logo. 2.) Per 9/25/21 email from Sarah Kingsborough: a friend’s Christmas Tree (sales lot) normal supplier ran out of Nobles and Douglas Fir trees - company is now looking for a new supplier who will take a deposit to secure purchase of trees. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Deadline set for November 28 for collecting winter clothing and blankets for Portland Rescue Mission. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Schools enforcing mask mandates are having significantly a third fewer Covid infections and thus fewer shutdowns and quarantines. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – The Federal Infrastructure bill appears to be progressing towards passage. On the good side quite a few bridges and roads will get built and/or repaired. On the down side federally funded projects are significantly more expensive than the same local project. My impression, working in the industry, was that federal projects were a third to a half more expensive than locally funded projects. Most of that goes to stacks of paperwork and higher Davis Bacon act wages. The big current issue in Salem is redistricting. I hate to admit it but this time it looks like the Republican caucus is in the right – no pun intended. Another good reason to help the Grange push for an independent committee to do the map drawing. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps)
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – The log cabin at State Fair went pretty well. Smaller crowds in general didn’t seem to hurt traffic in the cabin and folks seemed to be more interested than usual. I had a good time playing games with the kids while parents discussed or browsed the displays. Pomona Officers' meeting lasted ‘two and a half’ hours. A question was raised:
LITERARY PROGRAM – are encouraged. Topics can be sacred, educational (like FFA guest speakers) or recreational (i.e. eggs on a spoon race). UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) – Fall Reopening and Pumpkin decoration party Maplewood Open House & Pumpkin Painting Flyer was submitted to Pamplin Media: cost $39.00. NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Vicki Pounds submitted Plumbing part (elbow joint) expense $ 10.44 Roberta Elder submitted Subway work lunch reimbursement 31.83 Bills presented by Dan – Septic System related expense: 7,541.43 TOTAL: $7,583.70 Betty Chipps moved to approve bills as submitted, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries, VSO. Dan noted he didn't bring receipts for truing-up the basement handrail downstairs. MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS – None reported. GOOD TO THE ORDER – Thought for the month: A society that puts equality before freedom will generally have neither.. (Milton Freidman) NEXT Meeting: SUN, OCT 24 2021, 2-4 PM, PUMPKIN PAINTING PARTY at Maplewood Grange. (Noted, in hindsight, that Grange Meeting follows) Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 4:30 pm PM. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |