September Minutes9/27/2020 On September 27, 2020 the Grange meeting was called to order at 11:00am by Master, Dan Keeley, and Grange was opened in the 4th Degree. Members Present (8): Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, Kathie & Doug Femrite. Members acting Pro-Temp: JoAnn Keeley as Steward Invited Guest: David Gibb of DLG Construction, LLC SEWER LINE/SEPTIC - needs replaced Dan Keeley explained: Grange water nitrate levels have risen, suspect line is leaking close to the well. Contractor, David Gibb has begun the discovery: Sewage lines run from both bathrooms, past the Grange building and to septic tank. David relayed code: bathroom effluent (sewage) lines to be 50-ft from well. - Dan Keeley asked if “tight line” (refers to very leak resistant pipe) is that distance less? - David, did not know. Dan will confirm if “tight line” is OK to run past a well. Dan asked what was estimated cost? David: Clean out - $200, to pump septic - $450-$500. David said replacement cost is based on capacity of Grange and questioned the capacity of Grange? Answer: approx. 100 people. David said the rule of thumb (gals/day) is based on number of people in building - he’d estimate to replace lines/tank(s): 50’-60’ of line, with two tanks (grey water and sewage tanks) approx. $40,000 - $50,000. David asked if the lines that run beside the building are tied to the gray-water tank? Dan - unknown. Don Sether said the kitchen gray-water lines go to the field. He thinks new lines are needed to the septic, but has no idea where it’s located. DLG Construction has cameras to locate the septic. Note: Septic tank measures 15 ft. x 10 ft. David asked is the septic backing up? If “tight lines” he has the jet-system to flush the lines. Grange (Dan) requested David (DLG Construction) to: locate the septic and leach lines. Also locate lines from tank to junction box (box for reception of sewage from the tank and transmission to the leach lines). David Gibb, excused himself and the Grange meeting continued. Thought for the month (Dan Keeley) “The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know.” (Blaise Pascal, mathematician and philosopher) MINUTES (Secretary): August 23rd Minutes and July 26th Minutes were emailed September 17th and 25th, respectively. Dan Keeley asked for comment or corrections, being none: Don Sether moved to accept the minutes as presented, Kathie Femrites seconded, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps): nothing additional. TREASURER’S Report / Budget outlook (Vicki Pounds): Ending balance, as of September 27, 2020, in Columbia Bank checking account is $11,165.52. (see report - below). Dan commented the ‘Overall Total’ loss ($543) was due to construction. Hearing no further comments, the report was “filed for audit.” Maplewood Grange 662 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance August 24, 2020 11,708.98 INCOME Rental Income 100.00 TOTAL INCOME 100.00 EXPENSES Grange Improvement Projects 537.71 Utilities Electric Service 57.30 Garbage Service 48.45 TOTAL Utilities 105.75 TOTAL EXPENSES 643.46 OVERALL TOTAL -543.46 Ending Balance September 27, 2020 11,165.52 COMMITTEE REPORTS OSG Grant Application committee report (Dan Keeley) – The grant application was timely submitted, barely. Copy available. Hall (Dan Keeley) – Lobby project is complete (ramp needs new surfacing yet) Hall Projects – in priority order: New item: Rear yard becoming too rough for mowing - Needs renovation. Roof on SE end of building needs patched Sewer line needs replaced - Summer 2020 project Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2020 project Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2020 project Front doors are coming apart at bottom - need glued and refinished as does entrance porch. Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021 Dance hall seating upholstery stained, needs replaced - Deferred until COVID resolved. North side roofing screws still pending Kitchen needs exhaust fan Need new rugs in front entry (inside and out) Kitchen and dining hall floor needs refinished Mower shed Agriculture (Dan Keeley) – Hazelnut marketing board set 2020 base price at $0.65/lb vrs. 0.83 last year. Don Sether advised Oregon air freight has to be local as quarantine is two-weeks to ship in. Community Service (Dan Keeley) – Many local heroes made in the last few weeks. As fires were fought, folks helped with livestock and possessions and kept the newly homeless fed and sheltered. It is going to take a long time for Red Cross and other community organizations to backfill their budgets. Please help where you can. And let’s try to hold down the Monday morning Quarter Backing. Decisions were made in the moment under considerable pressure. Education (Dan Keeley) – Many (mostly white collar) parents working from home, and schools are mostly in remote learning situations due to COVID 19 virus. Maybe a silver lining is the chance for some family recovery? It has been a long time since even one average parent could afford to be home with children. Now we have parents and children spending most of the day working together, or at least working in the same space. Maybe some profound good can come of the virus. Health (Dan Keeley) – CDC projecting widespread vaccine for COVID will arrive mid year 2021. Funny thing happened to the regular flu virus in the Southern Hemisphere. It mostly went missing. Flu cases are down as much as 95% in several countries that have been enforcing social distancing. Legislative Task force on health care has it’s next meeting Sept 30. Not open to in-person testimony due to COVID restrictions but written comments are being solicited. Legislative (Dan Keeley) – Another special session is coming. There is a petition being circulated to add Oregon Volunteer Firefighter Association to the Oregon Charitable Checkoff list. It is on the Timber Unity website among others. Pomona Report (Dan Keeley) – no report yet. NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - BILLS: (Vicki Pounds): $ 50.94 representing Foyer paint purchased. (Dan Keeley) expense: $593.11 of which Stanley Stearmer = $400 (to have bathroom tiles cleaned) and construction expense for lumber, paint, supples, etc.= $193 Dons Sether moved to pay all bills, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed (voting-sign-of-the-order). (Betty Chipps): purchased 1/gal of Bright White paint to finish Grange rear-entrance Ramp walls and ceiling, plus rear-door trim, however, did not bring receipt - max cost no more than $35 Betty will scan copy to Vicki. Don Sether moved to reimburse Betty Chipps up to $35, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed. UNFINISHED BUINESS: None GOOD of the ORDER: State Masters convention address. Next meeting: SUN, October 25, 2020 beginning 4:30pm at Maplewood Grange Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 12:09 pm with the “Closing of the Grange” ritual. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |