Guest(s) present: to help in Open House set-up were Linda and Jim Beeler. Visitation: (none)
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez
Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez *
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Laura Ellis Flora: (vacant)
Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) **
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken =============================================================================
>>>>> Members present: 8, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
MINUTES (Secretary):
- July minutes were emailed (in August) - await approval.
- August minutes pending completion.
Clackamas County - POMONA #1: Grange Newsletter ... available at:
Three (3) Sunnyside Grange Flyer were circulated:
- OCT 20 - American Red Cross Blood Drive 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- NOV 8 - Grange potluck 6:30 PM - Salute to Veterans (Vietnam War correspondent - stories, photos, etc.)
- NOV 17 - annual Bazaar 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Oregon State Grange (OSG): August/September 2018 Bulletin - mailed directly to membership.
- 3rd Quarterly Report received (due 10/31/18)
National Grange: (none)
Dan Keeley: Silver City Squares, Silverton (Julia Buchheit): Thank you letter for help/support from Maplewood.
Laura Ellis: Maplewood Facebook page has established.
Maplewood Grange website: opening the July Minutes was evasive ... keep visiting website to open and read.
SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps): (no additional report)
TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): Opening Balance: $9,408.15 (see attached)
- BUILDING: East wall has been painted (same green color). Trim (white) to be done...any volunteers?
1. Upstairs Floor: Two test-sections of "no-buff" floor wax has been applied (at base of stage stair-steps). Check out and voice an opinion on color, choose either: 1. the lighter finish -or- 2.) or the darker patch?
...Lighter finish was "Preferred."
2. Upstairs Windows: Vicki and Kathie Femrite have removed the brown-curtains and replaced with hand-made Blue-patterned Curtains. Downstairs Windows: now covered with "lace" white curtains.
3. Floor Clean-up: There is a vacuum upstairs and a shop-vac downstairs. Discontinue sweeping floors with a broom, instead use the vacuums and/or damp mop the floors.
ZUMBA agreed to do more janitorial clean-up/mopping of Foyer. Zumba currently pays $150/month each 15th/mo.
Dan suggested we hold the current payment level at $150 till the New Year. After further discussion:
Don Sether moved to try and negotiate $200/month for ZUMBA rental effective New Year (January 15, 2019), Laura seconded, motion carried.
- Grange projects - pending:
AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): Nut harvest and Hop harvest still active - equipment on the move.
"School Supplies Donation Box" status: supplies were placed in the Grange Lobby donation box, however, they were taken - we shall consider this a donation.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): JoAnn Keeley suggested looking into the McKinney/Vento Education Program in your school-district: a program to continue homeless children's education through donations.
GWA (Grange Worker's Activities): (vacant)
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Elections coming up in November.
HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Zumba discussion ... (see: Unfinished Business)
LECTURER (Sandy Shew): no report
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): no report
VETERANS (Sandy Shew): no report
YOUTH (Betty Chipps): no report
1. Treasurer - Bills/Receipts:
Receipts (Dan Keeley):
- "Hold-the-Date" Deposit (for May 19, 2019) from Orozco: $100
- Rental Deposit(s) totaling: $400
Vicki noted: Zumba has paid ahead for SEPT/OCT hall rental of $150.
Expense Reimbursements (Dan Keeley): several expenses totaling: $527.84 (including Paint Sprayer rental $44)
Don Sether moved to pay the bill reimbursements to Dan Keeley, Betty seconded, motion carried.
Dan noted Sandy Shew's paint-sprayer required a sprayer part to function, thus we had to rent a sprayer. We could buy a part for approximately $65 to make sprayer functional - Dan wondered what the members wanted to do?
Don Sether moved to pay approximately $65 for paint sprayer part, Kathie seconded, motion passed.
GOOD to the ORDER: Laura and Felipe will be in Mexico next meeting.
Next Meeting: SUNDAY, October 28 - 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting
Meeting Adjourned: at 4:20pm with "Closing of the Grange" and Salutation.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Chipps